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Ultraviolet Grasslands 2E
2024 Silver ENnie Winner for Best Interior Art!
Revel in the return The Ultraviolent Grasslands with the highly anticipated UVG 2E, now dazzling with fresh cover art that teases countless otherworldly adventures. This epic journey has expanded - from the previous 200 pages to a robust 250, infused with larger and more evocative art to enliven your psychedelic metal quests.
"Fair hero, the end, the end alone awaits all travelers and at the end...was the journey all in vain? All journeys end in vanity. In vanity." - Mused the Grand Observer at the end of time.
Welcome to The Ultraviolet Grasslands, the roleplaying game of heroes on a strange trip through mythic steppes in search of lost time, broken space, and deep riffs.
The Ultraviolet Grasslands and the Black City is a tabletop role-playing game book, half setting, half adventure, and half epic trip; inspired by psychedelic heavy metal, the Dying Earth genre, and classic Oregon Trail games. It leads a group of ‘heroes’ into the depths of a vast and mythic steppe filled with the detritus of time and space and fuzzy riffs.
What's new in 2E?
- Expanded content from 200 pages to 252 pages.
- Streamlined character rules make for smoother gameplay, while an expanded array of caravan options, vehicles, and equipment lets you equip your party for any eventuality. A brand-new bestiary section offers a menagerie of friends and foes to encounter, and revamped spells give you more magical tactics to explore.
- Fancy a companion on your epic journey? Choose from a table of 50 adorable pets. To keep you organized, there are revamped character and caravan sheets. And, to fuel your wanderlust, there's an expanded map featuring the whole Circle Sea region.
- But the crowning glory? It's in hardcover again - and it's bursting with more pictures! Embrace the art, savor the stories, and visit the Vast Lands with UVG 2E.
Don't forget to check out the UVG Companion items
UVG 2E referee screen, UVG 2E map pack, UVG 2E exclusive patch and the LIMITED DELUXE BUNDLE!
NOTE: If you already have the original UVG, this is not a complete rewrite, but an refined version.
The Team:
The UVG is the work of the designer, artist, and writer Luka Rejec and was made possible through the generous support of hundreds of discerning fans at the Stratometaship patreon.
Luka's other work with Exalted Funeral Press includes writing, art, and design on: Witchburner, Longwinter: The Referee's Book, Longwinter: The Visitor's Guide, and the adventure for OSE, Holy Mountain Shaker.
Published by Exalted Funeral in collaboration with WTF Studios.
252 pages, A4 size, hardcover book, full color throughout. PDF bundle included. Also contains the preview PDF Synthetic Dream Machine: Eternal Return Key - FREE Bareghost Version.

Style: Print + PDF

This is a beautiful book that is a joy to read in print. Cannot recommend enough. The art, writing, and game mechanics are all delightful.
These are my comments. This is my review. I like this game.
TL:DR Beautiful book w/ great quality. Adventure lacks much to be desired, in regards to running simply and smoothly.
The artwork and the production quality are absolutely amazing. There’s no arguing that what you get what you pay for in regards to a beautiful book and accessories.
My gripe is with the practicality of running the said adventure. I don’t think it’s a matter of play style that makes this TTRPG difficult for GM’s to run. The Imbalance of extreme detail in rules/metric's/ for the order of exploring. Vs the vagueness of character creation options/npcs/location details/discoveries makes this adventure feel really heavy on managing tediums. like having the right amount of sacks for all the creatures that are transporting the caravan. The flowchart of caravan options and interactions.
As a GM, I don’t see that my players would love spending most of their time managing their resources and money and everything involving the caravan, compared to the actual exploration, RP, and combat.
I honestly want to give the book a 3 star review, but it makes for an enjoyable read and it’s a beautiful coffee table book. It doesn’t make for a pick up easy adventure to run without doing what i would say is days-weeks of prep.
As someone who both loves running rpgs and just sitting down and reading sourcebooks, this book scratches both itches. Amazing art & compelling worldbuilding.
This is such a great fun and wild module that feels equal parts Mad Max and Scavenger's Reign, and Kill 6 Billion Demons.. The world feels truly alien and wild, full of mysterious being and deadly creatures. The idea of adventuring as a caravan is well organized and thought out and creates a great way to mediate travel.