SIS/TR Box Set
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SIS/TR Box Set
Shipping Information
Orders typically ship within 24-48 hours after being placed, business days only Monday - Friday. If you place an order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday then it will not ship until the following business week. Shirts and Hoodies will ship separately.
We use USPS, UPS and DHL. Rates are based on current service rates and are subject to change. For the majority of items we ship in deluxe padded bubble mailers with bags and boards for added protection or with cardboard book mailers. Larger orders will be finely packed as well. We care about the product getting to you safe and secure.
Starborn Invasion System/Turret Regenerator
An interactive mini / boss with six-sided deployable turrets
What is SIS/TR Box Set?
SIS/TR Box Set is an interactive mini with turrets that acts as a deadly puzzle for your party. SIS/TR Box Set includes a system neutral SIS/TR Operating Manual rules zine so you can plug it into any game of your liking.
Be sure to check out the SIS/TR: A Rare Geometry adventure module for Mothership which includes rules for using SIS/TR in your Mothership games, or get the Operations Manual zine which are the same Mothership rules without the adventure.
Each of the four sides of SIS/TR (not including face and rear) has their own attack or defend modes.
Flip SIS/TR to a different side to change modes: Attack/Shield/Hack/Retreat
A control sheet allows the warden to track hit points per side as well as which side is active. The operating manual details both SIS/TR’s attack modes and turrets. Each mode/side has its own unique stats that affect how SIS/TR acts and if it can deploy turrets.
Turrets have their own hit points as well as six variable modes with deadly attacks.
Each mode/side has its own unique stats that will affect how SIS/TR acts and whether it can deploy turrets.
Once destroyed, turrets cannot be redeployed, but they can repair if they are retracted before they expire.
50mm SIS/TR Cube
25mm Turret 1 Black with Silver Ink
25mm Turret 2 Gray with Silver Ink
25mm Turret 3 Glow in the Dark with White Ink (written by Brian Evenson)
25mm Turret 4 Red with White Ink (written by Sean McCoy)
[All cubes are quality etched resin]
SIS/TR System-Neutral Operating Guide zine
Box - 2mm thick box gives SIS/TR a fine home.
Tray - black plastic tray is like a comfy couch for SIS/TR and its deadly turrets.
The Team:
Written by Justin Sirois and George Holland
Bonus Turret written by Mothership creator Sean McCoy
Bonus Turret written by Brian Evenson
Edited by Jarrett Crader
Zine: 16 pages, full color, 5x7 inches
one 50mm SIS/TR etched resin cube, four 25mm Turret etched resin cubes.
Box - 2mm thick with black plastic tray.
Includes PDF.