Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park + PDF
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Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park + PDF
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Riblerim the Unsure, Master Diviner, in his benevolent, yet eccentric prime, created a wizard's theme park—that's a theme park by a wizard, not strictly speaking for wizards. Though the latter were certainly welcome too.
Then came the Great Needle Pusher Purge. Seamstresses and tailors, long suspected of sorcery, one and all, were persecuted and driven away. Predictably, the Great Needle Pusher Purge was followed by the Great Wearing of Nothing but Rags, but that's not so important. Unwilling to idly stand by, Riblerim created the Costumiers with Latent Arcane Magicks Refuge Initiative & Motivation Scheme (CLAMRIMS, for short), seeking out freethinking clothiers and modistes, and sheltering them in his wondrous realm.
All was nice and pleasant as it could be, but then Riblerim disappeared.
Fifty years he has been missing, and the eldritch realm, with its arcane creations and thaumaturgic costumiers, has been unraveling. Not all is nice and pleasant anymore.
About the Game:
A self-contained sandbox setting in a vanished wizard’s ultradimensional theme park realm. Populated with hired staff and refugee sorcerous couturiers.
Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park is a self-contained adventure setting for Hypertellurians and other fantasy roleplaying games. It comes as a lush, fully bookmarked and hyperlinked PDF with over 100 pages, bursting with resplendent original illustrations by Katie Wakelin, and isometric maps by Diogo Nogueira.
Heavily playtested for action, surprises, and fun, it includes:
- Multiple, individually themed islands floating in a golden sky. Each island features three or more adventure sites, many with illustrated maps.
- Dozens of wonderful characters and creatures, described using the system neutral HAWK (has, acts, wants, knows) method.
- Fourteen capes, cloaks, and cowls most marvelous, detailed and illustrated. Fashion need no longer be a secondary concern in your games.
- Dozens of tags to quickly and easily impart a property to a garment, fabric, or item.
- 100, yes, one-hundred treasures for characters to find. Not all of them as grand as the first ten, not all as magical as some, but all incredible or remarkable.
- Simple but dramatic rules for magical grimoires, including two complete sample ones, each with a ritual to unlock its power, a minor effect, and multiple spells.
The Team:
Created by Frank Reding
Art by Katie Wakelin
Maps by Diogo Nogueira
Published by Mottokrosh Machinations
Free Statblocks for 5E and Hyertellurians
108 pages, A5, hardcover book, full color, including endpapers with the setting map and landmark page numbers, and a bookmark ribbon. Includes PDF that is bookmarked and fully hyperlinked.

Can't wait to dig into it!