CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral
CANDLE II - Zine + Cassette + PDF - Exalted Funeral

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Style, Stars, and good music

Coming off of the first entry in this series of zines this is a much more ample volume for the cost. The longer articles are pretty ensightful into the authors intro into D&D and OSR.

The more player facing content is pretty cool stuff.

You have a pretty cool astrological system to add some extra depth for character creation with signs for characters of all alighnments as well as said alignment being determined by the stars.

The Nocturnal class is another caster with their own unique spell list and some perks as they level up. If you have a player who wants to play a rogue with some moon, night, and sleep themed spells it's pretty strong compared to other classes, probably should be a d4 HD, but overall looks like a lot of fun.

There are some encounters for nighttime city exploration and as well as a pirate ghostship themed dungeon that could be a fun one shot.

The music which seems to be more the selling point for these is again a great mix of retro game style music with some inspirations from 90s anime. I was getting a lot of tones and vibes like the N64 zelda games as well as some of the JRPGs of the time throughout the tape.

Overall, this is a much better issue than the first with a lot more to sink your teeth into with some articles and art to fill out the zine.