CANDLE I - Zine + Cassette + PDF
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CANDLE I - Zine + Cassette + PDF
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Behold the release of the first in a new series of supplemental fantasy RPG tapezines designed for the enjoyment and appreciation of the OSR and adventure-gaming craft: CANDLE I.
About the Zine:
The inaugural issue boasts a humble 20 pages of game-ready content, composer's notes, and artwork in accordance with its theme, "The Adventure," featuring cover art drawn by Finn Lloyd of Into the Weird Blue Yonder and a lovely inner cover spread by Janik Soellner.
Featuring a fantastic compilation of original adventure music composed by brilliant songsmiths from across the fantasy music community in Chthonian Ascent, Balin, leafbutterfly, and RV Stranger--amounting to an hour of tunes recorded and mastered lovingly onto high quality Super Ferro tape, wound snugly inside of a seriously killer transparent shell of nuclear green
- Five diegetic magic items for use in fantasy RPGs
- Extra-dimensional monsters of marvel to make a mannerly party go mad
- Smokeable status effects for your PCs--at last!
The Team:
Music courtesy of: Chthonian Ascent, Balin, leafbutterfly, and RV Stranger
Content provided by: Janik Soellner, Gabriel Hanley, Anthony Hernandez, and leafbutterfly
Cover illustration by: Finn Lloyd of Into the Weird Blue Yonder
Concept, design, track sequencing, and editing by: Descender
Check out the Instagram for Fantasy Audio Magazine
Purchase Includes:
1 copy of CANDLE I Zine: 22 page, A5, color cover, black & white interior, perfect bound magazine. Includes PDF
1copy of the CANDLE I cassette tape.

The zine itself is pretty lite on content, a lot of spacing and empty space.
The five magic items are pretty fun ones. A coin with some fun tricks, Dwarven Perfume that will surely help the greediest of adventurers, a mantle of many faces with charts to roll on, Gauntlets possesed by an extradimesional demon, and a pretty sweet lantern.
A short spread with smokeables where the cheap ones increase one stat by 1 and some more expensive ones increase two stats by 1 and all cost you some con.
The two page spread for the Shrike creature is pretty cool with some different types as well as plenty of descriptors and motives.
The cassette is well made and packaged, without the cassette i would say it would be a 2/5 for the high cost for limited game content considering they offer the music for free online. However, if you havea cassette deck still this is an awesome bundle to pick up for the great music alone. Really gives a good feeling of 8 and 16 bit RPG music with more modern soundscaping and quality.